बेळगाव : Holi Special Sweets

बेळगाव : Holi Special Sweets

belgavkar.com | belgaum | belgavkar

Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar (Gheeyar) & Samosa

बेळगाव—belgavkar : As you know Holi is on the way....
Here we are with Holi Special Sweets
Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar (Gheeyar) & Samosa
Plain Gheeyar
Malai Gheeyar (Topping with White or Brown Mawa)
Samosa with Stuffed Mawa
NOTE : Order as soon as Possible
Pre order will be Accepted

Belgaum Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar Gheeyar Samosa belgavkar बेळगाव belgaum

Belgaum Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar Gheeyar Samosa

Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar Gheeyar Samosa belgavkar

Holi Special Sweets belgaum

बेळगाव : Holi Special Sweets
Sindhi Crunchy Ghevar (Gheeyar) & Samosa

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